Lord, What Do You Want Me To Do?

“So he (Saul), trembling and astonished, said, 'Lord, what do You want me to do?'” (Acts 9:6)
That’s a question that I have been asking myself the last month or so: What does God want to do with me? This goes past what we read in Micah 6:8:“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” It also goes beyond all the scriptures that relate to following God’s commandments and statutes. These are all great things we should be doing every day. But the question I’m asking is, what amazing idea has God called you and I to do that goes beyond the basics of living a godly life? And will we step out in faith and do it, even if it’s outside our comfort zone?
What doors does God want us to walk through? What opportunities have been placed in our paths for us to develop as disciples of Christ and as leaders? What need could we be fulfilling that we see in our local churches and communities? What ideas has God put in your heart and mind that He wants shared via mouth or paper? When should you and I step up as a bold leader and when should we follow? At what point in our lives do we begin subjecting all of who we are to the will and authority of our Creator? Is there more to this life than just pushing buttons?
Saul was placed in a junction of life, when God confronted him on that road to Damascus, and sincerely asked, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” and the Lord told him and Saul obeyed. He did things that were so contrary to what he was doing that people didn’t recognize him. But he boldly served the Lord, as did many of those we read about in the scriptures!
I truly believe we are called for a greater purpose than just existence. I believe God has given each of us many similar and different talents that He wants us to develop and use to help not only each other, but also those we come in contact with in our day-to-day lives, no question. We have such a tremendous opportunity each and every day to do well and be a special godly light, to be a different beat for the world to hear! This amazing thing God wants you to do might not be a global movement and affect millions of lives, but it might have a huge impact on a few lives and wouldn’t that be worth it? Wouldn’t that be worth you listening to that still small voice and stepping up to the plate?
So if you are like me and you are wondering how to figure out what God wants us to do, let me suggest that we first get on our knees and pray that God’s Spirit be ignited in each of us to have the attitude of Christ when it comes to serving. Service motivated by love and compassion for others is a pure reflection of the same attitude that Christ had and has for everyone to this day. Next, we need to open our eyes. What do I mean by that? There are needs within our church and communities that we can quite frankly close our eyes to and believe that if we don’t see it then it’s not really a problem. It’s not really our problem. How untrue is that statement—or unfortunately, how true is that statement? If you and I see a need with our eyes, I believe it becomes our responsibility to see it filled! Whether that be offering kind words and moments of your life to a person you visibly see that has a sad countenance; offering a meal or snack to someone who you see that looks hungry; mentoring a young boy or girl in your local church or community who might not have the best influence at home; speaking or writing edifying words for others to hear and to read; holding up the weak so others can increase.
I guess in a way I have answered my own question. What does God want us to do? One thing is to serve, even if it might be awkward. And if you look at the men and women of character in the bible, that’s what they did. That’s what they dedicated their lives to!
Let me implore everyone who reads this to step up and be leaders who serve and not take a back seat to what God has in store for you to do! Go and be a servant of the Living God and find the needs that are not being met and meet them! Be bold, be courageous, and humbly ask God, “Lord, what do You want me to do?”
Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Matthew 7:7 - “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.