2015 Feast of Tabernacles Report
Accra and Agona, Ghana

Ghana was home for two Feast sites this year. Thirty-nine rejoicing brethren gathered at Value View University campus just north of Accra. It was a peaceful setting with a family atmosphere. Senior pastor Mark Mickelson and his wife Michelle, along with Darrell and Janet Keisel from the U.S., were in Accra for the first few days and the last few days of the Feast. The brethren all stayed on the campus and were able to have meals together, play some outdoor and indoor games. It was also an opportunity for the family speech club to meet, and for all members to sit in and learn from the meeting. Table topics were led by Franklin Hiagbe, and speeches given by Meekness Kuvedzi, Alex Kuvedzi and Franklin Hiagbe. Mr. Mickelson encouraged the members to keep up the good work. Another evening, the teens presented speeches to allow them to show what they had been learning in the teen studies. They all showed exceptional poise and organizational skills. Even the youngest member of the teen study group, 9-year-old Yayara, gave a speech on faith.
During the middle of the Feast, the Mickelsons and Keisels traveled to the Agona site, where about 250 happy brethren celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles on Church-owned property. There were opportunities for games and family activities and lots of fellowship. Most of the members stayed in the village and walked to the Feast site daily. The Feast site gave us the feeling of sitting under our own fig tree. There were no fig trees, but there were nim trees, a cornfield close by and goats roaming peacefully. American visitors were welcomed with hugs, handshakes and smiles by all. About a third of the members speak English and the rest speak the local dialect, Fante. Translators were provided for the English speakers. The language difference did not hinder the warm welcome or enthusiasm. Song services were typical African style of raising the rafters in song.
Messages at both sites focused on the meaning of the Feast, learning to fear God, preparing to be leaders, studying God’s Word, determining not to compromise with God’s law, and having peace in our lives.
Many pictures were taken while we made lasting memories and new friendships. We all look forward the Kingdom.
See photos from Accra and Agona, Ghana at https://flic.kr/s/aHskny7RB3 .