2015 Feast of Tabernacles Report
Cochabamba, Bolivia

For the second time in a row, the brethren from Bolivia and visitors from other nations joyfully celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles in Hotel Regina Resort and Convention, located in the area of Tiquipaya, Cochabamba, Bolivia. There were 23 brethren present, and they truly rejoiced, as Deuteronomy 16:15 tells us.
There were inspirational messages that were appropriate for this Feast. Each day we had special music by the Bolivian ladies and children, led by our deacon Wanderson Esquerdo.
As a nice complement, we had two trips during the Feast, the first to the picturesque city of Cochabamba and second trip to the Rodizio restaurant, where we had a delicious lunch. We also enjoyed pleasant, sunny days with an average temperature of 29 Celsius (84 Fahrenheit).
Also during the days of the Feast, the children had Bible classes alluding to the seven Holy Days, both in Spanish and English, thanks to our Bolivian teacher, and the help from one of the members who came from Australia.
There were three Bible studies during the Feast, which the brethren found quite instructive. Also, almost all the brethren enjoyed the benefits of the spa that the hotel provided.
What stood out at the informal dance (and is customary in our country) was the joy of the children, who sang and danced happily alongside the older people.
Everyone strove to do their part for our Feast to be better than last year. We are very grateful to our Father for allowing us to celebrate, in advance, the wonderful coming Kingdom of God.
See more photos from Bolivia at https://flic.kr/s/aHskny7RB3.