2015 Feast of Tabernacles Report
Bend-Redmond, Oregon, United States

God blessed us with another wonderful Feast in beautiful Central Oregon. Except for opening night and Eighth Day afternoon attendance was consistent throughout the Feast, averaging 655, peaking at 684 on the first Holy Day.
Messages by 14 different speakers covered relevant topics, with thought provoking information regarding millennial conditions. Victor and Beverly Kubik spent the first half of the Feast with us. Mr. Kubik gave a sermon on the Sabbath before the Feast and the opening day message that helped set the tone for the Feast. He also conducted a Bible study that consisted of a panel of Ukrainian Sabbatarians from Portland whom he has known and worked with, telling how they became Christians. A quintet from this group also treated us to an hour-long concert.
Temperatures were above average the entire Feast. Every day was sunny, warm and pleasant, except for light rain on the weekly Sabbath. The highest temperature of 78 degrees was on our special outdoor family day that featured carnival-type game booths with prizes, arts and crafts displays, table games including bingo, a bounce house for young children and field day games and races. The day concluded with a teen and young adult dance.
Members donated generously to offset costs of activities in response to the family helping family initiative. We also collected $2,350.52 in cash donations and 800 pounds of food and household items for the local food bank.
See more photos from Oregon at https://flic.kr/s/aHskny7RB3 .