2015 Feast of Tabernacles Report
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

The Feast site in Cincinnati continues to grow in attendance. This year 370 people filled the room to capacity and beyond! While hearing messages about the coming Kingdom of God is always the best part of the Feast, the extended opportunities for fellowship are a special feature of the Cincinnati site. Most members stay in the same hotel where services are held, and during the hours before and after services many can be seen relaxing and talking in the restaurant, the lobby or on the mezzanine.
Activities held in the same venue included a circus-themed family day, a bluegrass jam session and an old-fashioned movie night. Additionally, many members took advantage of the opportunity to share group meals together on the Holy Days.
Those looking for fun or educational opportunities beyond the festival venue visited such local attractions as the Cincinnati Museum Center, the Newport Aquarium and the Creation Museum.
Thankfully no hurricane weather visited the area this year. The weather turned a bit blustery some days, but overall it was quite pleasant. We expect next year’s Feast in Cincinnati to be even bigger and better than ever.
See more photos from Ohio at https://flic.kr/s/aHskny7RB3 .