2015 Feast of Tabernacles Report
Jekyll Island, Georgia, United States

Beautiful weather and wonderful fellowship highlighted the Feast for nearly 500 people who assembled to keep the Feast at Jekyll Island this year.
This year marked the 53rd anniversary of the first Feast of Tabernacles observed on Jekyll Island back in 1963. Numerous brethren commented on their Feast observance under the Jekyll tent before the construction of the first convention center on the island. Over the years, the “tabernacle” of God’s people have met in here on this island that has evolved from a very large two-acre tent, to a small convention center, to the beautiful, state-of-the art convention center that we meet in today. Even though the buildings have changed, the spirit, the worship, the tranquil and millennial-type natural setting of the island, and the purpose of assembling before our God for the Feast of Tabernacles have remained constant.
The messages at this year’s Feast pointed us to the coming Kingdom of God to the earth and the focus of God’s plan for mankind. Sermons were given by Jim Wilkins, Gary Beam, John LaBissoniere, Ray Cowan, Doug Wendt, Gordon Hannaway, Bill Cowan, John Massie and Stan Martin. The high attendance was 479, and services were supplemented by youth education on two days, as well as adult and teen Bible studies during the Feast. Spiritually we were very well fed at Jekyll Island this year.
The physical aspect of the Feast was also well served on the island. On Tuesday, we had a teen bike riding activity. Family day was on Wednesday, and the majority of those attending the Feast were treated to beef brisket and smoked turkey under a covered pavilion. After lunch many of the teens and younger ones played various games, while others fellowshipped with new and old friends.
The senior citizen luncheon was a great success again this year, as the luncheon included a choice of fish or chicken along with salad, drink and dessert. Group horseback rides, dolphin boat tours, kayaking, and trolley rides were offered. The variety show and dance was a big success as well.
The weather was outstanding this year, with every single day being sunny and warm with only a couple evening showers during the entire Feast. God certainly blessed the Jekyll Island site in so many ways.
There is a rich history and heritage of the Feast of Tabernacles on Jekyll Island. We are so thankful for the peace and safety as well as the other physical blessings God has given the Jekyll Island Feast site again this year. The most important part of the Feast was to be able to worship our great God in spirit and in truth. We hope many more will be able to enjoy the Jekyll Island Feast experience in the future as we look to God’s Kingdom coming to this earth.