Britain this week starts a serious discussion about leaving the European Union.
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Britain this week starts a serious discussion about leaving the European Union.
[Darris McNeely] There’s a word that you might want to put in your vocabulary, plug it in there. It’s called “brexit”. It has to do with the exit of Britain – B-R – and its exit from the EU – another acronym right there for European Union. Great Britain has been in the European Union now for – since the early 1970s, early to mid-1970s. And in recent years, there’s been a movement for Great Britain to remove itself from the twenty-eight-member nation status called the European Union. These are tough times for the European Union on many reasons – they’ve just over the recent months kind of dealt with a major financial crisis with the nation of Greece, and then just suddenly a few months ago, late summer, tens and hundreds of thousands of immigrants out of the Middle East have begun to flood into Europe, crashing the borders, and creating a massive humanitarian crisis within Germany, within Europe, and Germany has of all nations been at the forefront of wanting to welcome in all of these refugees from the Middle East. And it is turning the entire political and social affairs of Europe upside-down right now, and again threatening its current structure.
If Britain wants to pull out of the European Union – and this week, British Prime Minister David Cameron has put forth his proposals that would have to be met for Britain to stay within the Union – that, coupled with all that is beginning to function there in the European Union is creating quite a mix. And one only can speculate at what point one more item, one more problem, one more crisis, perhaps another terrorist attack or something completely out of left field is enough to cause this particular house of the European Union to topple – what that would mean for the world, what it would mean for other nations there. It’s a very critical time. Europe does matter. Europe is aging. Europe has a lot of problems. But Europe is important from a political, economic standpoint in the world, and Europe is important when it comes to understanding how God is working in history and bringing His purpose and His plans to pass.
Keep an eye on what’s taking place there. Keep an eye on what we are saying about it here on Beyond Today, as well.
That’s BT Daily. Join us next time.