United Church of God

The Great Heresy

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The Great Heresy

MP3 Audio (6.39 MB)


The Great Heresy

MP3 Audio (6.39 MB)

Where did the concept of an ever-burning hell fire punishing of sinning mankind originate? It makes no sense at all if God is love. What could a human being possibly do in the short span of life that could warrant a sentence to endless screaming agony forever without mercy? Tim Franke explains how this concept was invented in ancient times to control illiterate ignorant populations and keep them in line. High literacy rates have only come about in recent times. An illiterate population is without the tools to help them think and question what they are told. Every two days the world creates the amount of data that it took all history up until 2003 to produce—the equivalent of about 6,000 years worth. In spite of this, the age old doctrine of eternal punishing continues in a world deceived by Satan.