Footprints and Lights—Puget Sound Women’s Weekend

The ladies met ready to share, listen, and connect on this year's theme of “Footprints”—focusing on how we can make a positive impact in each other’s lives and in our communities based on the exhortation found in Matthew 5 to be a light to the world.
The presenters this year focused on examples of how they’ve used their time and skills to serve with various community projects and service organizations and the impact that service had on them personally, as well as in the lives of those they served. Working with Special Olympics participants, the Oso Landslide Relief, community healthcare outreach, the Union Gospel Mission, and volunteer teaching in the community as well as abroad were some of the examples shared.
But not everyone has a medical background or can take a year off to volunteer abroad or has the time to teach at a local school. The question quickly became obvious: “How can I fulfill Matthew 5:14-16 given my life circumstances?” The question was tackled in facilitated breakout discussions. Participants shared barriers they felt prevented them from serving, such as mobility issues, finances, young children and busy schedules. The group then brainstormed solutions, examples of which included baking desserts for local soup kitchens, putting resources and service opportunities in the Sabbath bulletin, and rotating monthly mommy breaks so mothers could go out into the community and serve.
Bolstered by food and fellowship throughout, the ladies enjoyed many opportunities to learn, grow and give. The sermon expounded on the importance of being profitable servants and a practical application of the parable of the talents. The presentations demonstrated relatable examples of being a light in this world, and the service project provided food for the local food bank. Laughter was shared, memories were made, and a profitable weekend was had by all!
Chelsea Murphy