We Don’t Understand Faith
We Don’t Understand Faith
The perception of faith these days has more to do with hoping and wishing, but what action does faith require?
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The perception of faith these days has more to do with hoping and wishing, but what action does faith require?
[Gary Petty] We’ve been working this week on a new Beyond Today program about faith, and it’s titled, “Lord, Help Me Believe”. We’re talking about some of the problems we have in our faith – growing and having real faith – but one of the points we talk about in this program is, we don’t understand faith. Many times, people think faith is just belief – if you just believe, it’ll happen. It’s more than that. Faith is more than belief, when we see what the apostle James says, when he writes about, “you believe in God, you do well. Even the demons believe” (James 2:19). In other words, we have to have more than what the demons have – they know God exists.
We have to trust Him. We have to trust in His goodness. We have to trust in His greatness. We have to trust that He’s going to do what’s best in our lives. That’s not always easy. But when we do that, when we break through that barrier, we can begin to trust God and He will be involved in our lives. Have faith. It’s more than belief. It’s trust.
That’s BT Daily. Thanks for watching.