United Church of God

The Ten Commandments, Part 4: The Third Commandment - Hallowed Be Your Name

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The Ten Commandments, Part 4

The Third Commandment - Hallowed Be Your Name

MP3 Audio (14.45 MB)


The Ten Commandments, Part 4: The Third Commandment - Hallowed Be Your Name

MP3 Audio (14.45 MB)

There are many ways we are not to take the name of the Lord our God, and we’ll consider some of the spiritual principles that apply to this aspect of the third commandment. But, there are also many positive ways we are to take the name of God our Father and Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We may keep the third commandment more fully by learning and applying the spiritual principles of how we are to take God’s name, without taking it in vain. The Scriptures reveal many wonderful truths relating to God’s name, and how our relationship with God and Christ connect very closely to how we keep the third commandment.