Generous in Love

In English we say the word “love” all too carelessly. But one name describing our Creator is "love" (1 John 4:8). That word in Greek is agape, and it means affection or benevolence. John wrote that love is born of God and we are to love one another (1 John 4:7-11). God sent His Son out of His concern or love. But showing our acceptance of that gift of love means formally committing to a lifetime of repentance via baptism (Acts 2:38). Being generous in love as God is generous allows us to “love” even our enemies (Matthew 5:44). It is different than romantic or brotherly love.
Being generous in love means we do have a concern for everyone—even if they are hard to love. It means resisting the urge to just walk away or ignore anyone in need. It does not mean we ought to run about seeing what we can do for just anybody. And of course, being generous in love carries with it the need for wisdom, because some intentions may be misunderstood. For example, a young woman could be misunderstood when she speaks in a friendly way to a man out of godly love. God loves with wisdom and patient understanding. We are to learn to emulate the Father and Son and love as they do.