Senior Pastor Transfer—East Africa
During this January visit to Kenya, Mr. Elliott held two ministerial conferences, made several congregation visits, and held a two-day leadership conference with attendees from as far away as Rwanda. One of his grandsons, Zarek Dowd, was invited to accompany him on the trip, which made it extra special.
During the leadership conference, Mr. Elliott formally introduced Monte Knudson as the incoming senior pastor for East Africa, beginning Feb. 1. Mr. Knudson was connected live via video from his home in Arizona and presented a seminar. The leaders enthusiastically welcomed him and his wife Susie and ensured their full support. Mr. Elliott will continue to assist in a supporting role but can now devote more time to his responsibilities in Canada and the Council of Elders.
Mr. Elliott reflected: “Fifteen years ago I first visited Kenya and Tanzania with the previous senior pastor. We pounded over rough, dusty roads and eventually became very ill on that trip. The previous man had made a total of six visits here, and I pondered whether I might ever make six such trips there myself. At that time there was no established church infrastructure, not even an ordained deacon. Consequently, I began making four visits a year and brought Merrie when I could.
Visits required as long as a month at a time in order to have time to anoint, counsel and baptize members across the region and work at training leaders. The rough conditions, malaria and tick-bite fever had their impact on us. The combined time we have spent there amounts to just over two years, and we are thankful to have built a house there to stay in. Our relationships with our brothers and sisters in the region developed into a closeness that we will always cherish. We know that God directed the assembling of the stable infrastructure that today serves 705 attendees in 29 congregations pastored by eight elders in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. The leaders God provided are faithful, competent and good examples in developing godly character.”
The senior pastors feel honored to serve the region, and Mr. Knudson will continue promoting the seeking of God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.
Living conditions for the citizens in East Africa have improved in recent years. Today, there are many good roads, railways, rural electrification, education, personal loans and mobile phone service accessible to nearly everyone. These enable our Church leaders to better serve God’s people and for new people to discover the truth through mobile-first technology. Members welcome international visitors to join them for the Feast of Tabernacles each year.
A video of the visit can be viewed at this website:
For more information on the Feast in East Africa e-mail: