2018 Camp Report
Camp Seven Mountains

What a great time we had! The story of Elisha was the theme, and everyone from babies to preteens (to adults!) learned about the miracles and wonders God worked through him and his faith. The buckets of pouring rain could not diminish the laughs and spirit of the campers, who boated and swam through the rain with cold glee. God blessed our time with cool days and the rain when it was least disruptive.
Campers’ days were filled with crafting treasure boxes with power tools, making brilliantly colored tie-dye shirts, playing all kinds of sports, massive splash battles while boating and laughing at campfire antics—with or without the fire. In between those times, we managed to squeeze in team building and swimming, as well as archery, volleyball and human foosball.
Our youngest campers, ages 0-3 years old, enjoyed a special grandma camp in the mornings with Bible lessons, activities, songs and games just for them. And what fun would camp be without our annual, camp-wide, capture-the-flag game on the last night? That evening, after the game, the threat of rain drove us inside for campfire, minus the fire. Our counselors put on a fashion show after the campers gave them an extreme makeover, followed by an egg roulette, which everyone used up their laugh allowance for the year. That is what our kids camp is about—building faith, fellowship and friendship in the body of Christ.
Thank you to our hardworking and wonderful counselors and staff who made this year the best yet. We could not do this without you and we can’t wait to see you again next year, Aug. 11-14, 2019!
Rachel Massie and Lindsay Massie