United Church of God

Inside United Podcast #131: Jorge de Campos and Barbara Botha - Angolan Civil War

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Inside United Podcast #131

Jorge de Campos and Barbara Botha - Angolan Civil War

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MP3 Audio (25.56 MB)


Inside United Podcast #131: Jorge de Campos and Barbara Botha - Angolan Civil War

MP3 Audio (25.56 MB)

Inside United Podcast #131: Jorge de Campos and Barbara Botha - Angolan Civil War by United Church of God

Jorge de Campos gives a history of the wars in southern Africa involving Angola, and Barbara Botha recounts her and her sons' experience in the civil war that raged until 2002.


  • Ellen Burton
    Thank you for the insight into what the people of Africa have experienced during the 52-year period of war. This generation cannot fathom a war fought on our home front. Thank you Mrs. Botha for giving us details of what your family encountered during that time. We appreciate all of the comments!
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