2019 Feast of Tabernacles
New Braunfels, Texas

Daily messages pointed us toward the anticipation of the coming Kingdom of God as well as how to live our lives now to better fulfill our calling. In addition to the daily messages, preteens had two festival youth instruction classes; teens and young adults each had additional spiritual food during their Feast Bible studies.
There were many activities for all ages. The young adults raced to complete a downtown New Braunfels Instagram scavenger hunt learning about the wonderful history of the city, teens enjoyed the rides and go-karts at ZDT Amusement in nearby Seguin and pre-teens played and learned at Mckenna Children’s Museum. Family Day was quite the experience at Natural Bridge Caverns where we explored the largest show cave in Texas, climbed high on the Canopy Challenge and ziplines and panned for rough gemstones at the mining sluice. The family Tex-Mex dance capped off a wonderful week with great food, fellowship and dancing fun!
A highlight was the Senior’s Luncheon where we honored and thanked our seniors for their many years of dedicated service. God’s blessings were abundant and greatly appreciated by all who attended in New Braunfels this year!