Keys to Understanding the Bible
Part 10: Translations
Keys to Understanding the Bible: Part 10: Translations
Looking at different Bible translations is one key to better understanding God's Word.
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Looking at different Bible translations is one key to better understanding God's Word.
[Steve Myers] There are so many translations of the Bible that sometimes it might seem a little confusing, but something you'll find is that it can be a key to understand Scripture. There are so many different versions. Of course, when you begin to think about that, when you study God's Word, a literal rending of God's Word is really preferred when you want to get into doctrine and study the Word of God. So, versions like the King James and the New King James are really rock-solid when it comes to studying doctrine.
But you don't want to just limit it to that either because sometimes a more modern translation can help you to really understand, more thoroughly, what's being written. So, versions of the Bible that are translated more thought-for-thought can help you to really identify with what's intended in Scripture. And then, of course, there's others as well. So, by looking at various versions, it could really help in your understanding.
Now, of course, you don't want to be biased in things. You don't want to just look at one thing and think that that's the big picture. So, when you study the Bible, certainly, you want to count on those things that are literal and recognize the truth of doctrine, but by looking at many different versions, you'll be able to pick out Scriptures that, "Whoa, this must be a challenging Scripture because there's many different interpretations that are given by the translators." So, that can help you to sort through those things.
And, in fact, we'll talk about another key that can help you sort through those doctrinal challenges as well. And, of course, as you remember, the Bible's not written in English. It's written in Hebrew and Greek, and so we need these translations in order to really get a thorough understanding of what God wants us to really understand.
And so, read the various versions. I think you'll find it interesting and fun besides.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.