United Church of God

In His Time

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In His Time

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There was a Father, perfect in all His relationships. He gave the best and most loving instruction to His children, thoroughly teaching them right from wrong. This Father advised His children to follow His words, knowing that if they did, they would achieve happiness, emotional stability, health and longevity. He provided them the best of everything, abundant blessings, a perfect home for living—a beautiful life beyond imagination, with a career that was fulfilling. They had no worries, no struggles and everything was provided that they could live forever.

Genesis tells us the story of Adam and Eve. Were His children faithful to His instructions? Did they choose to follow His mores? Did they love the truth that He instructed? Did they love Him? Sadly, no. They fell prey to Satan’s deception and disobeyed just as people do today.

When our children reject His ways

We were created in God’s image. So, it is only natural that we as parents, express sorrow when our children leave God’s pathway, just as God is sorry when His children turn from Him.

We grieve if our children forget the lessons we taught them. God understands our feelings. In Hosea 2:13 “…But Me [Israel] forgot, says the Lord.”

You can feel the suffering in His words. We may cry to our Father, wishing our children would obey, that they would not experience the consequences of alienation from God. In Psalm 81:13, God is expressing deepfelt, emotional sorrow from Israel’s rejection: “Oh that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways!” (Darby Bible Translation)  

We are happy there are families with children who have followed their parents into the faith. We pray that your families increase and continue to follow God’s pathway, never straying. But for parents with children who have left God’s Church, remember that God understands the distress, pain and emotional upset that you feel. Be encouraged that it is God’s purpose to bring your children and all mankind to the knowledge of the truth and to repentance (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9). Pray for families in the Church and encourage them. 

God’s plan is about reconciliation

In the last chapter of Hosea, we find that God pleads for His children to return to Him and He will take away all their iniquity. He corrects them in righteousness and offers to heal their backsliding and love them freely. God is merciful, forgiving and His promises are sure. In Isaiah 59:21 “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the LORD.” “My Spirit, [which] is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the LORD (NIV). That time may not be now, but He will reconcile His people back to Him at a future event.

God understands our pain. He feels it Himself and provides comfort with the assurance of His word. All people will be reconciled in a plan that is Beyond Today! It’s all in His time.


  • Karla Sefcak

    Thank you Father, for these beautiful and encouraging words written by your servant Ellen. They came at the perfect time for me, and I think for many others.

  • Anni

    Thank you very much for the sensitive, warm-hearted, compassionate words that encourage! Yes, my heart broke when our children (blessed in the church) and who grew up in the church didn't want to know anything about the church anymore - but I am sure now that God won't let them go and that they will gladly turn back to God at their time! May God be with all children and help them to find Him again. My heart is often still sad about this, but God comforts me then. Thank you for this very very important contribution!

  • KarahanD

    Be encouraged. I grew up in the Church, and like the prodigal son, thought I wanted the world but God knew best, and His timing was perfect. Yes, I had to go through loss and pain, and it took a long time, but here I am, back in the family of God. Never give up praying, never give up believing. I may have left the Church but God never left me. That's the same for all the children who stray away for a while. Hope is a wonderful gift. Never lose it!

  • Anni

    Wonderful encouraging words! May God continue to bless you! Best wishes :-)

  • Ellen Burton

    Thank you Anne!

  • Ellen Burton

    Thank you Debra for your comments! They were much appreciated! One thing my pastor always says is that God loves your children more than you and He wants them in His family. You and He offers encouragement to all families out there!!!

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