The promise of eternal life is the source of hope for the people of God.
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The promise of eternal life is the source of hope for the people of God.
[Steve Myers] What gives you hope? Even in these trying times, God's word tells us we are a hopeful people and we can put our trust in Him.
The Apostle Peter mentions the wonderful hope that we have right at the very beginning of his letter. This hope that we can have is ultimately found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ because Christ lives, we can look forward to eternal life. And in fact, we find what he tells us about this hope in the resurrection in verse 4. We'll look at verse 4 now and it says, "We have this hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, from the dead to an inheritance, incorruptible, and undefiled that doesn't fade away."
And I love the way that that's worded because this is something that doesn't wear out. It's not corruptible. In other words, it's not gonna wear down. It's not going to go away. That's a hope that we can rely on that is right there. And it's like an inheritance is what Peter compares it to.
So this is something because we have such an awesome father, he's going to take care of us. He's going to make sure that there is an inheritance. We're not just talking about property or money or anything like that. Like we might have a rich uncle or something that gives us something when they die. Here we're talking about because the Father gave His son and because His son is resurrected, we have an inheritance. And that inheritance is eternal life. We can live forever as children of God, as members of the divine family of God.
And so, no matter the circumstances, we can see that that faith that we have will be rewarded. And we can look forward to that time when God gives us eternal life. So let's have hope.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.