World Events
Watch: World Events
We need to stay close to God, especially as we see prophetic events unfolding.
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We need to stay close to God, especially as we see prophetic events unfolding.
[Steve Myers] In the past few daily's that I've done, we've talked about several of the facets of what Christ admonished us in saying, "Watch."
There are quite a few different aspects to this concept of watching. We have to watch our spiritual conditions, stay close to God. But in these times we live, Christ also thought...focused on another aspect of watching.
Mathew 24:6, He zeroes in on these types of things, wars, rumors of wars. He says, "Nations will rise against nation." He also says, "There'll be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes.'' Boy, we've seen a lot of these types of things in the news recently. And whether it's Hurricane Ida, or whether it's what's happening in Afghanistan, you know, we see these kinds of things around us. And here, Christ is saying, "Keep an eye on these kinds of things. Watch world events. Watch what's happening around us, because these are precursors for end-time scenarios." So Christ says, "Keep an eye..." These aren't just small, little, localized things that He's warning about, but He points to the fact that these are the beginning of sorrows.
So when you begin to really keep an eye on what's happening in your world around you, it should definitely be a reminder, "Get your spiritual act together. Stay close to God. Things are happening and it seems like these events are escalating.''
So when we see these events taking place, listen to Christ's words, and stay close to God and watch.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.