Being a Watchman
Watch: Being a Watchman
God has called us all to be watchman. How? By being a light to those around us.
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God has called us all to be watchman. How? By being a light to those around us.
[Steve Myers] Christ certainly encouraged us to watch and pray always. These times that we live in certainly encourage us to do that very thing, but there's another facet that the Bible deals with when it comes to watching and actually, who we are. When we read the Bible, it encourages us to be a watchman. Ezekiel was called a profit of God, and he was specifically called to be a watchman to Israel, to warn them, to watch over them, to tell them they had to repent and change and get right with God or there would be terrible consequences as a result. So, he specifically was a watchman, but I think by extension, all of us as God's people are called, in a sense, to be a watchman.
Can you think of how we can be a watchman today?
Well one of the things Christ talked about is to be a light. If we're to be a watchman to this world, we can certainly be a light to those around us. We're supposed to be different kinds of people, and so in Matthew 5:14, Christ told us that very thing. We're to be a light to the world. A city that's set on a hill can't be hidden. We're supposed to be different. Our standards, our morality, our viewpoint, our perspective on life is different, and it should shine like a bright light.
And so, to be a watchman, every one of us can set that example. To be a shining light in this dark world.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.