United Church of God

The Golden Lampstand and the Seven Lamps

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The Golden Lampstand and The Seven Lamps

MP3 Audio (51.12 MB)


The Golden Lampstand and the Seven Lamps

MP3 Audio (51.12 MB)

From cover to cover we see a Golden Lampstand with seven oil lamps referenced in the Bible. We will explore the meaning of the Golden Lampstand and the applicability for us today.


  • Mike Haynes
    Interesting topic. I especially like the manner in which you linked the lampstand to God's people collectively. Going a step farther, would the same not also apply to the description given in Rev 11:4 of the two witnesses? If the lamps are symbolic of God's church (es), would that not also suggest that the two witnesses are the collective body of Christ at the time of the end?
  • Stephen Tuck
    Thanks for the comment. You are correct, the Two Witnesses are the Rev11:4 "Two Olive Trees and the Two Lampstands standing before God and the earth". They are anointed representatives of God's people and of God before the 7th trumpet is sounded. So to be God's representative they would have to be part of the Body of Christ and full of the Holy Spirit.
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