United Church of God

Are All Bibles Created Equal?

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Are All Bibles Created Equal?



Are All Bibles Created Equal?


Most people would expect all Bibles to say the same thing concerning matters of doctrine. Think again. This sermon reviews the history of the Greek New Testament manuscripts that have been used to translate the Bible into English. What is the major difference between them and why does the United Church of God establish doctrine based on the Byzantine texts which back up the King James Version? It is important to recognize that all Bibles are not created equal.


  • alexa.flybird@hotmail.com
    As a babe in Christ, I thank you for your sermon. I had no idea and now I do.
  • Linda-
    I really learned a lot from this message and have saved the important charts in order to print them. I can't believe I have been baptized and in the Church so long and didn't know how problematic my NIV is. So I am pulling out an old New King James copy by which to study. Thank you. This is a subject I have longed to hear.
  • RayStapp
    Thank you Mr. Moody. I have studied this subject for 10 years now and I think you did an excellent job of presenting the facts. My question would be why would anyone encourage someone (especially a babe in Christ) to read something that is not doctrinally sound? I hear Satan saying to Eve, "Let me make this clearer for you Eve."
  • Paul Moody
    Thank you for your comment Mr. Stapp. Although some modern translations can have a degree of usefulness in how they express a particular verse in the English language, they can often times be misleading as well. Students of the Bible, and babes in Christ, should be encouraged towards the most accurate and literal sources available for the establishment of a solid doctrinal foundation. Kind regards, Paul
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