World News and Prophecy: November 2009

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In This Issue

  • by Darris McNeely
Every year Americans gather on the fourth Thursday of November to give thanks for a land of plenty and a year of blessings. What if Americans truly gave thanks to God for their blessings? Could it make a difference for the future?
  • by Paul Kieffer
The 50th anniversary of the NATO alliance in 1999 was a celebration of the successful defense of the free world. Just 10 years later there are signs of serious trouble within the alliance.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Newspaper headlines on both sides of the Atlantic heralded the Irish ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. "Ireland's Yes vote creates a more powerful Europe," said the Scotland on Sunday. The New York Times headline even contained prophetic overtones: "Gaining a Powerful Presidency, European Union Seeks a Job Description and a Leader." What is the long-term biblical significance?
  • by World News
An important biblical prophecy deals with the end-time revival of the Roman Empire, prophesied extensively in both Daniel and Revelation.
  • by Darris McNeely
A number of events have occurred in recent weeks that bear on topics we cover in World News and Prophecy. It reminds me that the pace of our time seems to be speeding toward a culmination of prophecy. We need to watch and understand.
  • by Robin Webber
The method of measurement is beyond anything caught in the world of time and space. It requires entering the stream of eternity that knows no spring and fills no ocean. Indeed, there is something beyond, and God asks us to take the time to think about it.