Good News Magazine: January - February 2011

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In This Issue

  • by Good News
There are as many end-time scenarios based to some degree on Bible prophecy as there are prophetic teachers. Is there a singular overview of end-time prophecy that can help protect you from end-time catastrophes?
  • by Scott Ashley
Sin exacts a terrible price, whether on a nation or an individual. We're seeing that played out before our eyes.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
The intensity and frequency of tragic world and national events should rightly concern all of us. Jesus Christ Himself spoke of "the signs of the times." Certain telltale signs correspond to a crisis-filled close of this age -- called in the Bible "the time of the end." Do you understand the nature of these crucial signs?
  • by Don Hooser
Jesus and the apostles exhort us to actively "watch"! We need to understand all that they meant and the wide-ranging implications. Our survival and salvation could depend on that understanding and action!
  • by Melvin Rhodes
The late French President Charles de Gaulle once dismissed the United States and Britain as "the Anglo-Saxon debtor nations." Four decades later, their enormous debt is forcing the two countries into a period of dramatic change.
  • by Jerold Aust
There are as many end-time scenarios based to some degree on Bible prophecy as there are prophetic teachers. Is there a singular overview of end-time prophecy that can help protect you from end-time catastrophes?
  • by Becky Sweat
You've likely noticed recent increases in the cost of food, and no end is in sight. Are we seeing the beginnings of growing food shortages? What's behind this trend, and where is it leading?
  • by Darris McNeely
Recent warnings of terrorist activity in Europe don't reveal the whole story of what is happening behind the scenes. Both security officials and terrorists know more than headlines reveal. Bible prophecy tells the rest of the story.