United Church of God

ABC Continuing Education Held in May

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ABC Continuing Education Held in May

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The Ambassador Bible College Continuing Education Program was back to full strength this year. 37 students attended classes in the home office, starting Monday, May 23th and concluding on Friday, May 27th. Participants came from as far away as Texas, Colorado, and Florida—although some were from the Cincinnati congregation. The oldest was more than 80 years old, and the youngest was 30.

The Continuing Education program gives participants a sampling of classes from the ABC curriculum. This year’s schedule included an exploration of Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, examination of Moses’ calling and the Exodus, study of the Book 1 Peter, recounting of Paul’s travels in what is now the nation of Turkey, and more.

For the first time in three years, there were no COVID restrictions on the program, which improved the social aspect of the program. Along with six class sessions each day, participants enjoyed having breakfast and lunch together and a fair bit of time for conversation. Many of them have said that the opportunity to spend more time with old friends—and to make new ones—is as big a part of the program as are the classes.