United Church of God

Ariana Del Signore Recognized for Service to United News

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Ariana Del Signore Recognized for Service to United News

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The United Church of God home office staff would like to thank Ariana Del Signore for three years of outstanding service to this organization through her work as managing editor of United News.

Media and Communications Services operation manager Peter Eddington commented on how much he appreciated Ariana’s professional approach to her work and her great competence in always providing an interesting and informative issue of United News each time. In addition to the Church’s newspaper, she produced our United Youth Camps brochure, the Festival Planning Brochure and other internal publications. She also assisted the Ambassador Bible College class in their media and publishing projects. “Ariana will be greatly missed and we thank her for her service, praying for her ongoing career success.”

Beyond Today presenter Darris McNeely: “Ariana approached her role with joy and enthusiasm. She realized the news she brought to the worldwide membership was essential in maintaining the bonds of unity. Working with her on each issue was a delight. I wish her well in all she does.”

Former UCG president Victor Kubik: “In the short three years that I worked with Ariana from when she started as an intern to quickly becoming Managing Editor for Internal Publications, we knew we had found a gem. Ariana performed beyond her years in editorial and technical skills. She displayed wisdom in what and how to communicate what best represented the Church to the public. She was easy and fun to work with.”