United Church of God

2022 Preteen Camp Reports: Becoming Sons and Daughters of God

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2022 Preteen Camp Reports

Becoming Sons and Daughters of God

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This summer was a very good one for our UYC Preteen Camps as we were back to seven camps, all with exciting reports to follow. Overall, we had a total of 870 people involved with our seven preteen camps; 360 were preteen age campers, 32 mini-campers, 157 teen staff and 321 adult staff.

We cannot overestimate the value of these preteen camps for the United Church of God. As one council member and pastor, Mario Seiglie, who served on staff at our Northwest Preteen Camp Ochoco in Oregon, reflected to the congregations he serves the Sabbath after camp, “I just attended camp with 89 prospective church members!” That understanding makes it extremely difficult to overestimate the value of repeated positive camp experiences for our youth who may attend 12 years of continuous camps, as campers and as staff members. What an awesome opportunity to build bonds with children who also have parents, and possibly grandparents, who are members of God’s Church and are actively teaching them all God’s values and ways!

The more we are able to show our children that God’s ways really do work for our good and that His way is a way of blessing, beauty, friendship and fun, the more they will embrace stable and beneficial lifestyles that will bring joy and happiness to them for a lifetime.

I would like to thank all those involved in our preteen camp program in any way—as a camper, as teen staff, as adult staff and those who may not even have children but have seen the benefit and have given generously to our camp program! Thank you so much for your valued support!