United Church of God

Be Now My Vision.

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Be Now My Vision.

MP3 Audio (42.44 MB)


Be Now My Vision.

MP3 Audio (42.44 MB)

This sermon outlines the three main areas where our vision as Christians should be focused.


  • KarahanD
    Thank you Jay. An inspiring message reminding us of the love of God the Father and our Saviour Jesus Christ. If I am honest, I have not thought BIG when I pray. I have thought myself not important enough and because of my lack of self worth, my lack of belief that He would help me through difficult moments has probably always been on the fringe of my mind. Well that changes from today. I am going to pray BIG, and I am going to believe that God will help me. And if I have a moment of falling backwards into unbelief, I will think on that story of David and Goliath. What can man do to me, when My great God is with me, and in me. Absolutely nothing. He has the power and the glory.
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