United Church of God

Unpardonable Sin?

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Unpardonable Sin?

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Unpardonable Sin?

MP3 Audio (32.86 MB)

Many worry about the "unpardonable sin." There is no sin God won't forgive when we are truly repentant and stay under the umbrella of His grace. However, unpardonable sin is a reality we must be aware of. It includes a willful rejection of God's grace and knowingly blaspheming the Holy Spirit by attributing the power of God to Satan. In general, if you worry that you have committed the "unpardonable sin," you haven't. However, we must never forsake the grace-filled lessons of the spring Holy Days by continually seeking to be right with God through repentance and spiritual growth.


  • Stephen Racz
    Dear Mr Moody Just wanted to thank you for your most encouraging response. Kind regards Stephen Racz
  • Stephen Racz
    Dear Mr. Moody Thank you for your sermon on the Unpardonable sin. I just want to clarify something here and its when Christ rebuked the Pharisees in Matt 12:31. My question is if someone did say something against the the Holy Spirit or commit a blasphemous acts or acts against it and later truly repented would God forgive that person? I think in your sermon you stated that this is a mindset and that someone in that mindset would have no desire for pardon. Is that what makes this sin unpardonable? Look forward to hearing from you.
  • Paul Moody
    Stephen, Many scriptures show God’s promise to forgive all sins upon our sincere repentance. Repentance requires yielding ourselves to God, the working of His Spirit and His Son. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is an unpardonable sin because those who practice such are refusing to yield themselves to God’s work in their lives. They have so hardened themselves against it that even when the power of God’s Spirit is clearly evident, they knowingly speak evil of it, attributing it to the power of Satan. The answer to your question, when putting all of the scriptures together, is that God will forgive any and all sins upon sincere repentance. To blaspheme the Holy Spirit, with knowledge, puts a person outside of such a workable relationship because they are resisting the power and presence of God. However, if one is concerned that they have blasphemed the Holy Spirit in the past and they come to God in sincere and humble repentance, seeking to be right with Him, they can be confident in knowing He is faithful and just to forgive them their sins and to cleanse them from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) Paul Moody
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