2023 Feast of Tabernacles
Santa Cruz, Bolivia

For the third time, we stayed at the Terranova Hotel in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. We had 31 in attendance this year. The visitors from other countries were happy to celebrate the Feast with us and a number came from Peru. Rubén Ortiz from El Salvador helped us with the technical support to transmit all the services of the Feast.
We attentively followed the opening message and the main sermon from our president, Rick Shabi, as well as the sermon from our senior pastor, Mario Seiglie, on the Eighth Day. We had two Bible studies, one concerning the high priest's garments and their relationship to Jesus Christ. The second Bible study was about discovering such things as the number pi in the Bible, showing how carefully designed the Bible turns out to be.
We had two baptisms, Kimberly Arevalo Aguirre and Angel Rodriguez Valerio, from Lima, Peru. We were assisted with the baptisms by Oscar Queme and Wanderson Esquerdo. The next day we celebrated the wedding of both, in a nice outdoor setting provided by the hotel. Later we toasted to the new spouses and then had a dance, in which we all participated, and a nice wedding dinner.
Each one of the children enjoyed their colorful Bible studies and also had a night to dance with their luminous balloons and colorful hoops that were Feast of Tabernacles Reports Rockingham, Western Australia 5 prepared by some of the Church ladies. In addition, they enjoyed the swimming pools in this warm weather.
We have returned to our homes, with our spiritual batteries recharged and very grateful to our Father, for allowing us to build on our spiritual knowledge, in relation to His plan of salvation.