United Church of God

2023 Feast of Tabernacles: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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2023 Feast of Tabernacles

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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We had over 200 brethren come to rejoice at God’s Feast in Calgary this year from across Canada and the United States. It was wonderful to see several who were attending their first Feast of Tabernacles, and also several from different Church of God groups. A new family who has never attended a Church of God service, Google searched “Feast of Tabernacles,” and attended with us on the Eighth Day!

The messages were definitely inspired by God to teach and encourage His children to remember the basics and why we are here, looking forward to the time when all people will have their opportunity to know God (Isaiah 2:3).

We had outstanding special music. This included many inspiring solos, two festival choir pieces and the popular children’s choir. Everyone did a wonderful job.

We had many group opportunities to grow our relationships with each other. On the first day of the Feast, we had a group buffet dinner to kick start our fellowship. At two other times during the Feast, we had group dinners for all who desired. One of these was a group buffet dinner supplied by our Alberta congregations for all those who wanted to attend the famous Calgary Zoo. We had about 180 in total for this event. The last group dinner opportunity was at an upscale restaurant and jazz club. Several took the opportunity to have a romantic dance with their significant other.

For our teens and young adults there was a meet and greet at the beginning of the Feast and a Bible study later in the Feast. For our children we had children’s lessons twice during the Feast and the opportunity for children to participate in crafts and fun activities three times after church services while parents were visiting. We had an excellent seniors’ luncheon with around 70 attending and performances by adults and children. For young and old alike we had a family day at Heritage Park Living Museum, an impromptu karaoke night, Bible study night, miniature golf, a golf tournament and a young adults’ floor hockey night. Many people chose to take a day or two to take in the world-renowned sites in Canmore, Lake Louise and Banff before and after the Feast.

An abundance of fellowship, bonding as brothers and sisters in Christ and feasting (physical and spiritual) occurred throughout the Feast. As a spiritual family, we rejoiced and praised God together!