2023 Feast of Tabernacles
Midland, Ontario, Canada

Approximately 115 enthusiastic brethren gathered in the beautiful town of Midland, Ontario, situated on the shores of picturesque Georgian Bay to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. It was a joyous crowd with a handful of individuals keeping the Feast for the first time and others who have kept it for decades. The stage decor was fall-themed and even included a lion (Lambert) and a lamb (Lionel). The information table was likewise decorated in fall colors with a much-appreciated basket of luscious apples and tray of delectable sweets.
We have met at the same location for several years, so the hotel staff greeted us as friends and were very accommodating to our many needs. They gave us permission to use various areas of the hotel for get-togethers and even opened up the restaurant to us for a private mead and cheese party. They also allowed us to have a baptism in the pool one afternoon.
Several commented on the many well-thought-out messages. Each service had about 40 connections via Zoom. Members could say “hello” to those who had to stay at home because of health challenges. The Feast videos were well received and greatly appreciated.
In attendance were a number of very talented musicians. Special music each day was wonderful, and an instrumental ensemble added to the piano accompaniment each day. The choir performed admirably well.
Activities were well attended, starting with a seniors’ brunch on the morning of the first day followed by a meet and greet that evening. That was followed by a family day excursion to the Elmvale Zoo on Sunday, which happened to be the last day the zoo was open for the season. The sunny weather was perfect for walking around the zoo and even feeding the animals. The giraffes were especially gregarious. Our last activity was a farewell luncheon between services on the Eighth Day and provided members a final opportunity to spend quality time together.
A small but intense group of teens bonded over an afternoon of five-pin bowling at the local bowling alley. All of them were involved in serving in various capacities throughout the Feast which especially pleased the seniors. Overall, it was a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles with a surprising number commenting that it was truly their best Feast ever.