2023 Feast of Tabernacles
Ocean City, Maryland

The family-oriented vacation resort of Ocean City, Maryland, was once again the site of the Feast of Tabernacles in the Mid-Atlantic region. The Bayfront Ballroom at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center provided beautiful waterfront views for the more than 250 Feastgoers.
Encouraging messages were provided, covering topics such as God’s Spirit being poured out on everyone, the physical and spiritual healing of the blind and God’s plan of salvation for all mankind.
On Sunday evening, the young adults met for a bonfire on the beach, where Lewis VanAusdle
led an interactive Bible study discussing some of the challenges, obligations and opportunities for service for young adults within the Body of Christ.
On Tuesday afternoon, the seniors enjoyed a lunch buffet, consisting of Caesar salad, chicken artichoke piccata and meatless baked ziti.
Wednesday was family day, and we met in a restaurant/arcade where, after a buffet lunch consisting of chicken marsala and salmon, kids and adults alike enjoyed various arcade games, a 3D virtual ride, virtual golf and a mini-bowling alley. A variety show took place later that evening, featuring several vocal solo and duet acts, as well as instrumentals and lots of stand-up comedy. The show’s format followed that of the old Johnny Carson Show, with Bob Bittner playing the part of Johnny, and Don McCoy playing the part of Ed McMahon. The two-hour show was a huge success.
On Thursday evening, Scott Buchanan provided a presentation titled “Pockets of the Kingdom,” showing how we can manifest the Kingdom in our daily lives. The general Bible study was given Friday evening by Chris Rowland, who discussed “The Kingdom of God: Present and Future.” Then on the Eighth Day, nearly 100 shared one more meal together between services, before having to say goodbye, bringing another fantastic Feast to a close! While it was great picturing the Kingdom of God at this Feast, we all can agree that it will be so much greater when the reality of that wonderful time will finally be here!