United Church of God

Letter From Dan Preston - August 30, 2024

Letter From Dan Preston

August 30, 2024

Greetings all and Happy Sabbath! 


Aside from being one of my favorite G n' R songs, patience is one of the most vital assets we can have.  The good news is that it's free.  The bad news is it's some times hard to get.  It takes, well...patience.

Who's got it?

Patience is one of those things that we develop over time.  Generally speaking, those with a few more grey hairs have more patience than the younger folk.

But you know who else has patience? Satan the devil.  That's right, our enemy posses this powerful trait and he is not shy to use it to his advantage.  Often times he sets us up with a temptation and just sits back and waits for us to stumble.

How to use it

Of course, the good news is that despite Satan's ability to use patience, he's not the master of it.  That title of course belongs to God and Jesus Christ.  They have been patiently waiting to bring the kingdom to humanity for eternity!

We can use patience to our spiritual advantage as well.  While we might not be total masters of it, in tomorrow's message, we'll examen this and few other tactics we can use to fight our patient foe, Satan.