United Church of God

Letter From Fred Nance - June 11, 2018

Letter From Fred Nance

June 11, 2018

Weekly Update June 8, 2018

Hello everyone

I hope everyone has a had a good week, as it has been a hot one. Here are a few announcements pertaining to the month of June:


June 10th--Little Rock Church picnic

June 24th--Buffalo River float trip.

June 30th--Mark Welch, regional pastor from Dallas will be giving the sermon in Jonesboro in the morning and Little Rock in the afternoon. There will be no service in Memphis on the 30th.

Sabbath service tomorrow June 9th:

Jonesboro--10 AM Bono Senior Center. Sermon, Fred Nance, followed by pot luck and then Bible study covering Leviticus 21-22

Little Rock--2:30 PM Jacksonville Senior Center, Sermon Fred Nance

Memphis--2:30 PM, Great Hall of Germantown, Sermon Barry Howdeshell

Scripture of the week:

I Peter 2: 5 "you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ"


The priesthood in ancient Israel held a very highly responsible position as God's representative to the people. Their conduct and the sacrifices they offered (without blemish) had to be acceptable to God.

We also as a called out, set apart people must through our conduct and our spiritual sacrifices give our very best in service to God and Christ. Let us strive to be those living stones part of God's spiritual house that are truly examples and lights to the world.


Have a good Sabbath

Fred Nance