Letter From Jim Tuck
July 13, 2019
Weekly Congregation Announcements
Phoenix - Show Low - Hawaii
July 13, 2019
Dear brethren,
There is a scripture in the book of Psalms which says a lot to a Christians, and it gives a litmus test for each of us to weigh whether God's Holy Spirit and His ways are deep within us.
This scripture is well known in the church, and it has been taught and spoken about often. However, in spite of this, through the ages of the church, it has been the least practiced principle in times of internal conflict.
The passage I'm referring to is Ps. 119:165, "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them."
King David wrote in Ps. 119:164 about how he praised God's judgements seven times a day, and in verse 166 that he loved God's testimonies exceedingly.
His point is, he was focused on making God's laws and His ways a part of his inner being. David had tremendous peace in his life due to this, and as long as this was his primary drive in life peace remained.
In the history of the church there has been entirely too many times when God's people separated from one another due to conflict. Sometimes a split in the church has occurred due to differences people have with one another.
I think you would agree with me this ought not be so. What can we do about this?
Most would answer, practice what Matt. 18:15, and simply go to your brother! Indeed, that is one thing we should be doing.
God will make a new covenant with all people in the millennium, and he will put his laws in their hearts and minds. He will write His laws on the inward parts. (Jer. 31:31-33)
God has made that covenant with us now, and He is putting His laws in us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Apostle Paul wrote we haven't been given the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. We have power which gives us strength to do what is right. Some translations render "sound mind" as "self-control."
We have the strength to control ourselves when we experience something which angers us. We have the power to resist the devil and draw near to God. (Jas. 4:7-8) We have within us through the Holy Spirit the ability to control our emotions.
Paul wrote, "The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets." (I Cor. 14:32) The apostle Paul meant no one can claim they so not have power over what they say. The Holy Spirit does not force one to do anything. The prophet speaks by the inspiration of God, and even God revealed-knowledge is subject to them! Even if you feel moved by the Holy Spirit our words are still subject to us.
This is true of all those God has called. It applies to each of us in the Church no matter what our station is within the Church.
James wrote this to show what our mindset should be: "Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away" (Jas. 1:9-10)
True Christians don't allow issues which spring up offend them. The Hebrew word for offend, which is used in the King James, means "to stumble, or cause to fall". The reason a Christian will not allow themselves to be offended is because they wish to endure and be in God's Kingdom. They see the big picture.
Consequently, we must remain humble at all times and be continually mindful of how we treat one other. We may have anger or other emotions well up within us, but even though fighting those emotions isn't easy, it is something we must do with God's help.
Obviously, we can't stop our emotions, but we can work on the attitudes which come as a result. We can't keep a thought from coming into our minds, but we can determine what we do with it.
We have been called to do things which are not natural, but things which require the supernatural help of the Holy Spirit. We must keep in mind as the church of first fruits a greater judgment is on us! (I Pet. 4:17)
Please have an inspirational and peaceful Sabbath!
Your friend and pastor,
Jim Tuck