Letter From William Bradford
November 15, 2024
Welcome to the next installment of our "Imagine If" series, where we explore the profound impact of keeping each of the Ten Commandments. Today, we focus on the Eighth Commandment: You Shall Not Steal (Exodus 20:15).
At first glance, *"You shall not steal" seems like a simple, straightforward command. However, when we reflect on how this commandment is violated--not just in obvious ways but also in more subtle, less recognized forms--the broader implications for society become clear. If everyone adhered to this commandment, the positive effects would be transformative.
The Obvious Cost of Stealing
To not steal means we respect the possessions and property of others. Yet today, we witness a troubling rise in theft, with consequences that go far beyond the immediate value of the stolen items. For example, in 2022, retail theft in the United States was estimated to have cost businesses $122.1 billion. Retail theft, often considered a victimless crime, has a ripple effect: to make up for these losses, businesses must raise prices, which are ultimately passed on to consumers--honest individuals who must pay higher prices for goods and services.
Smash-and-grab robberies, which have become more prevalent in some areas, not only result in stolen goods but also cause significant property damage. This leads to higher insurance premiums and increased security costs. When theft becomes rampant, it can even contribute to the closure of businesses and the devaluation of surrounding real estate, leading to the slow decline of entire neighborhoods.
The Broader Impact of Stealing
The costs of theft extend beyond retail and property crimes. According to a 2019 FBI report, a burglary occurs every 26 seconds in the U.S., with an average loss of $2,692 per incident. Beyond these obvious forms of theft, there are less tangible, but equally damaging forms--such as time theft. In the workforce, time theft happens when individuals start their workday late, leave early, or take extended breaks. While this may sometimes be seen as part of the work culture, the hidden cost is significant: employers must account for lost productivity, which can then be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.
Another form of theft that is often minimized or justified is tax evasion. Some view cheating on taxes as a minor infraction, but it is still a violation of the Eighth Commandment, with real consequences for society as a whole.
Paul Instruction to "Steal No Longer but Rather Labor"
The Apostle Paul offers a powerful reminder in Ephesians 4:28 (NKJV): "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need."
Paul not only calls out stealing but emphasizes the dignity of labor--not just to earn for oneself, but to have something to share with others in need. This stands in stark contrast to the "take all you can" mentality that dominates many parts of our world today.
Imagine a World without Theft
If everyone adhered to the Eighth Commandment, the world would look vastly different. We wouldn't need locks on our doors or security systems in our homes, cars, or businesses. There would be no need for employees to check your shopping cart at the exit of the store, no credit card fraud, and no need for special wallets to protect our money when traveling abroad.
While this ideal society may seem far off, Scripture assures us that it will one day become a reality. During Christ's 1,000-year reign on Earth, the conditions for a theft-free world will be restored. Until then, we continue to pray, "Thy Kingdom come!"*and trust in God's plan for ultimate restoration.
The Sabbath is a Time to Reflect
As we enter this Sabbath rest, let us take time to reflect on the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. May we gather together in worship, encouraging one another to "stir up love and good works" (Hebrews 10:24) as we seek to live lives of integrity, honoring God's commandments in all that we do.
- https://www.deepsentinel.com/blogs/retail/the-true-cost-of-retail-theft
- https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/home-security/home-invasion-statistics/