United Church of God

Planned Giving: Living Trusts

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Planned Giving

Living Trusts

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You can make the United Church of God a beneficiary in a new trust, or by amending a current one.

Benefits of trusts

  • Avoiding probate. Unlike a Will, a trust allows you to bypass probate when transferring your assets to your beneficiaries upon your death, usually saving time and fees.

  • Providing privacy. A trust dispenses your assets confidentially without any public or court records, unlike a Will, which becomes a public document in probate.

  • Contingency planning. You can arrange your trust so that if you become incapacitated, your successor trustee can step in and manage your affairs, avoiding a court-appointed conservatorship to do so.

  • Avoiding compulsory succession. A Will can be challenged and changed in court. A properly drafted trust can keep your wishes secure and avoid a legal battle over your assets.

Two categories of trusts

1. A revocable trust is one you can dissolve, amend or replace (as the creator of the trust). These include:

  • Living or Family Trusts (most common; used to avoid probate or court oversight)

  • Special Needs Trusts (designed to help a loved one with a disability without voiding government help)

2. An irrevocable trust can’t be changed once established. The assets in the trust are no longer part of your estate. These include:

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts

  • Charitable Lead Trusts

  • Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts

A legal, tax, and planning team may best help you determine what type of trust is best for your situation, how to design it, and how it will work to fulfill your objectives.

To name the Church as a beneficiary of your trust, you will need the following information:

United Church of God, an International Association 555 Techne Center Drive, Milford OH 45150 Federal Tax ID #: 95-4529758