United Church of God

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Displaying 241 - 260 of 324.

Title Speaker Date Congregation(s) Length
Our Personal Witness of Experiencing the New Covenant Robin Webber May 31, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
God Is Love Keith Tomes May 30, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
About the Wave Sheaf Offering and Moving Forward to Pentecost Bill Schutz May 30, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
The Applicability of the Law to a Christian Victor Hou May 23, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
Our Inheritance Larry Sharp May 23, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
The Invitation to the Flow of the Spirit Robin Webber May 16, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
Daniel 7 - Son of Man: Lions and Leopards and Bears Jonathan Garnant May 9, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
Feasting on God on a Fast Day Robin Webber April 25, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
Faith for Exiles: Part 3 - Develop Meaningful Relationships Frank Fish April 18, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
Navigating Life in an Uncertain World Ted Budge April 15, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
Opening up the Door of Eternity Through Life's Interruptions Robin Webber April 15, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
The Meaning of the Wave Sheaf Ralph Helge April 11, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
The Exodus Story: From Passover to Eternity Robin Webber April 9, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
Who Was Sacrificed for You? Frank Fish April 4, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
The God Who Interrupts Us for His Glory and Our Good Robin Webber March 28, 2020 Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Redlands, CA
Faith for Exiles: Part 2 - Develop the Muscles of Cultural Discernment Frank Fish February 1, 2020 Los Angeles, CA; Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Redlands, CA
Approaching and Experiencing the Sabbath in Spirit and Truth Robin Webber January 25, 2020 Los Angeles, CA; Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Redlands, CA; San Diego, CA
Jesus’ Obedience to God, His Father Ralph Helge January 18, 2020 Los Angeles, CA; Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Redlands, CA; San Diego, CA
Learning From Our Mistakes Victor Hou December 28, 2019 Los Angeles, CA; Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Redlands, CA; San Diego, CA
Faith for Exiles: Part 1 of 5 Frank Fish December 7, 2019 Los Angeles, CA; Bakersfield, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Redlands, CA
