United Church of God

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Sermon Search

Displaying 281 - 300 of 593.

Title Speaker Date Congregation(s) Length
Benefits of Christian Meditation Mike Fooshe August 20, 2016 Nashville, TN
The Good News of the Coming Kingdom of God Arvid Simmons August 13, 2016 Nashville, TN
Thou Shall Not Steal: The Ten Commandments, Part 9 Gary Petty August 6, 2016 Nashville, TN
Are We Ready for Christ's Return? John Paul Jones July 30, 2016 Nashville, TN; Cincinnati, Ohio 2016
Prophecy: Outline of Revelation Gary Petty July 9, 2016 Nashville, TN
Thou Shall Not Murder: The Ten Commandments - Part 8 Gary Petty May 28, 2016 Nashville, TN
Does God Answer Prayer? Mike Fooshe May 21, 2016 Nashville, TN
Remember the Sabbath and Keep It Holy: The Ten Commandments - Part 4 Gary Petty May 7, 2016 Nashville, TN
A Time of Personal Reflection John Paul Jones April 30, 2016 Nashville, TN
Come out of Sodom, Eygpt and Jericho Frederick Kellers April 29, 2016 Nashville, TN
A Slave Mentality Gary Petty April 29, 2016 Nashville, TN
Unleavened Bread Types Gary Petty April 16, 2016 Nashville, TN; Murfreesboro, TN
Some Lessons for Life John Paul Jones April 9, 2016 Nashville, TN
The Most Dangerous Sin: Preparing for the Days of Unleavened Bread Gary Petty April 2, 2016 Nashville, TN
Authority Tim Franke March 19, 2016 Nashville, TN
Passover Types Gary Petty March 12, 2016 Nashville, TN; Murfreesboro, TN
Why Did God Create Humanity? Gary Petty March 5, 2016 Nashville, TN
Faith and Faithfulness Victor Kubik February 20, 2016 Nashville, TN
Heartbreak to Healing Steve Myers February 20, 2016 Nashville, TN
Low Quality mp4
How Do You Honor Your Parents? Gary Petty February 13, 2016 Nashville, TN
