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  • by Tom Robinson
The Israeli Jews are regularly accused of invading and occupying land that is not theirs—the land of Palestine that purportedly belongs to the indigenous Palestinian people. But just who are the Palestinians? Is the land theirs? What is the truth?
  • by Steven Britt
As modern Israel turns 70, we look back at what led up to the amazing reestablishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land after centuries of exile, and the struggle endured since—and ahead to promises and yearning yet unfulfilled.
  • by Darris McNeely
Through the prophet Isaiah, God asks: “Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?” (Isaiah 66:1). There is an obvious answer—in the Middle East. In a city called Jerusalem, God placed His house. It’s the only spot on earth where God has had a fixed home. To that place He will return. That is one of many reasons why the Middle East matters.
  • by Rodney Hall
As America pulls out of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, other powers are rushing in to fill the vacuum. Domestic, regional and global forces are all vying for influence. Where are events in the ever-volatile Middle East headed?
  • by John Ross Schroeder, Peter Eddington
We often see the Middle East catapulted to the forefront of news programs around the world. Even faraway nations are deeply affected by what happens in this volatile region. You need to understand what has been prophesied to occur there and why. 
  • by Scott Ashley
In our fast-changing world, it's more important than ever that we understand where we're going.
  • by Gary Petty
Why is there so much unrest in the Middle East? Why do we see constant strife between the Israelis and their neighbors? The answers to these questions didn't begin with the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. The history of these conflicts goes back 4,000 years and is recorded in a place many people would never think to look - the Bible!
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
The unrest that began with Tunisia in December 2010 has spread to many other Middle Eastern countries. Other despotic rulers may well fall in addition to those already forced from power. But will we witness the emergence of secularist democracies supporting the West, as many hope? Or will the era of autocratic rulers in the Middle East morph into an Islamist confederation spanning the region?
  • by United Church of God
Psalm 83 contains a prophecy of many Middle Eastern nations that appears to be as yet unfulfilled and to possibly tie in with end-time events.
  • by United Church of God
One of the most significant developments in the region following the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I was rising Arab nationalism.
  • by United Church of God
The Arab religious landscape was to change dramatically with the prophet Muhammad and the religion he founded, Islam.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Putting aside all the claims and counterclaims about the ownership of Jerusalem, what does the Bible say about this historic city? Who is its real owner, and what is its ultimate destiny? How will the city of almost continuous conflict become a city of enduring and everlasting peace? Let's examine the intriguing biblical story—past, present and future.
  • by Cecil Maranville
Say "Middle East" to people in other parts of the world, and they will think in terms of countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc. Recent events have forced the average Westerner to become aware of the factor of religious sects within these countries. There is yet another factor about which we need to be aware in order to anticipate future events.
  • by Donald Ward
Al Qaeda terrorists labor to define the war on terrorism as the West vs. Islam-a definition that Western leaders throw off. Yet deeply entrenched religious issues are at the heart of the current war. And they are inflamed by a power greater than either the worldwide terrorist network or the combined military might of the United States, Britain, the rest of NATO and Russia.