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Sodom and Gomorrah

  • by Darris McNeely
Sodom and its neighboring city of Gomorrah have long been seen as examples of God’s judgment on degeneracy and evil. With what could prove to be the discovery of ancient Sodom and evidence of its fiery destruction as described in the Bible, we should ask a key question: Are we returning to Sodom?
  • by Scott Ashley
Is the biblical story of Sodom real or only a fanciful myth? When we examine the biblical evidence, it reveals a consistent story about a specific location—one that may prove to be ancient Sodom itself.
  • by Peter Eddington
Fifteen seasons of excavation at an enormous archaeological site in the Jordan River Valley have yielded remarkable evidence of an ancient city-destroying cataclysm. Could this be proof of the biblical story of Sodom? What does it mean for us today?
  • by Scott Ashley
The pattern we see again and again in the Bible is that God sends a warning message before destruction. He doesn’t want to see mankind suffer; He wants us to repent of our sins—to change direction and seek Him.
  • by Scott Ashley
Pompeii's ruins tell a stark and heartrending story. One day Pompeii was a thriving, lively city; the next it was a steaming mound of smoldering volcanic ash. Does Pompeii's tragic tale hold lessons for us today?
  • by Larry Walker
Many fail to realize the dangerous path that same-sex marriage is leading us down. Far more is involved than the opportunity for two members of the same sex to marry.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
At a time when frightening trends in world conditions require awareness, alertness and the most sober contemplation, millions are dozing all over the globe. The masses also slept serenely at the time of Noah’s Flood—apparently unaware of an impending calamity. Is history repeating itself?