Professor Werner Gitt's conclusions from the information found in DNA

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Professor Werner Gitt's conclusions from the information found in DNA

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In his book In the Beginning Was Information, Dr. Werner Gitt, an expert in information systems, deduces certain conclusions from the information found in DNA. Here is a summary:

Since the DNA code has all the essential characteristics of information, there must have been a sender of this information.

Since the density and complexity of the DNA information is millions of times greater than man's present technology, the sender must be supremely intelligent.

Since the sender must have encoded (stored) the information into the DNA molecule and constructed the molecular biomachines to encode, decode and run the cells, the sender must be purposeful and supremely powerful.

Since information is a nonmaterial entity and cannot originate from matter, the sender must have a nonmaterial component (spirit).

Since information cannot originate from matter and is also created by man, man's nature must have a nonmaterial component (spirit).

Since biological information can only originate from an intelligent sender and all theories of chemical and biological evolution are based on the premise that information comes solely from matter and energy (with no sender), then the theories of chemical and biological evolution are false.

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