What Does the Bible Really Say?
The Bible Does Not Say: |
The Bible Does Say: |
Man has or is an immortal soul (the words immortal and soul appear together nowhere in the Bible). |
"The soul who sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4, 20). |
Heaven is the reward of the saved. |
"No one has ascended to heaven" (John 3:13). |
The Sabbath day is abolished, or Christians should regard Sunday as the Sabbath. |
Both Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul customarily taught on the Sabbath day (Luke 4:16; Acts 17:2). |
Sunday is "the Lord's day." |
Jesus Christ is "Lord of the Sabbath" (Mark 2:28). |
God will punish the wicked forever in an ever-burning hellfire. |
The fate of the wicked is to be burned to ashes (Malachi 4:3). |
God's law is abolished or annulled under the New Covenant. |
Under the New Covenant, God writes His law on human hearts |