Will the World End in 2012?

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Will the World End in 2012?

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Many people would give almost anything to know what the future holds. This has been true as long as human beings have walked the earth.

The apostles of Jesus Christ were no exception. He spoke often to them about His return when He will dwell again on the earth—in the future Kingdom of God, reigning over everything.

Shortly before He died, Jesus was with His 12 disciples in Jerusalem in the area of the splendid Temple Mount. Jesus told them that the temple, in which the Jews of that day took exceptional pride, would one day be razed to the ground (Matthew 24:1-2).

The disciples were likely shocked and surprised at that statement by their Master, and it prompted them to ask the question about which Christians from the first century to this day have earnestly desired to know: "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Matthew 24:3, emphasis added throughout).

This conversation occurred nearly 2,000 years ago. Jesus would not return in the lifetime of those to whom He spoke, although it seems they expected Him to for many years. They all died, still waiting for the return of the King of Kings (Revelation 19:16).

While they were alive, they repeatedly preached the promise of His coming and earnestly longed for His return. One of the 12, Peter, recorded a warning for those of his day that has echoed through time and still speaks today to all who read it. He wrote that some skeptics—"scoffers," he called them—would say, "Where is the promise of His coming?" (2 Peter 3:4). And he responded in advance, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise" (verse 9).

When Jesus returns, it will be the end of "this present evil age" (Galatians 1:4), the end of the world in which human beings rule.

Human-generated prophecies of the coming apocalypse

When Jesus' disciples asked Him when the end would come, He told them of signs and events that would occur during the intervening period. Yet He also told them, "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only" (Matthew 24:36).

Jesus' statement has not dissuaded men from making brazen prophecies. People of every stripe and type have been stricken with prediction addiction. Raymond Hundley's 2010 book Will the World End in 2012? noted one website that "cited 149 different predictions of the apocalypse between AD 44 and 2008" (p. ix).

The predictions of the end of the world did not cease in 2008. If anything, the avalanche has gained momentum. Many of the prophecies even center on a specific day—Dec. 21, 2012.

This has been called the most intriguing date in history. The orientation of those who pinpoint this date is widely varied—some are religious and some are secular. The events they say will trigger the ultimate cataclysm comprise descriptions of a human-contrived cauldron of horror.

But will they come to pass? It's vital for your spiritual safety and peace of mind that you are well-grounded in the truth of the Bible. There are many deceivers in the world; indeed Scripture tells us that Satan "deceives the whole world" (Revelation 12:9). For this reason, Jesus warns His disciples, "Don't let anyone mislead you" (Matthew 24:4, New Living Translation).

Many people are putting forth their own interpretations regarding the future, but the Bible must be our sole guide. It brims with prophecy about the end of the world. We must also be careful about the spin that people put on biblical prophecies about the end.

While we can have a better idea of the general time frame of Christ's return as time goes on and we see prophecy being fulfilled around us, the pages of history are strewn with erroneous dates on which some predicted or expected the end to come.

As Mark Hitchcock notes in his book 2012: The Bible and the End of the World: "The oldest surviving prediction of the world's imminent demise was found inscribed upon an Assyrian clay tablet which stated, 'Our earth is degenerate in these latter days. There are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end. Bribery and corruption are common'" (2009, p. 102).

We will be wise if we stick to what the Bible says rather than pay heed to self-proclaimed prophets. What do some gloom-and-doom prophets do? "The Bible is consulted and considered reliable when they believe it supports their 2012 theory, but when it contradicts and challenges their beliefs it is rejected and in some cases even ridiculed" (p. 92).

The anticipated day: Dec. 21, 2012

Why has Dec. 21, 2012, been selected by many as the day of catastrophe? It is due in large part to calculations on the calendars of the ancient Mayans.

The Mayan people were centered in Central America, the apex of their civilization lasting from around A.D. 250 to 900. The Mayan priests devised a calendrical system connected to astronomical observation that some believe to be more accurate than the calendar we use today. This despite the fact that they had no telescopes, using only the naked eye to study the sky.

What was their calendar like?

"Based on their studies in astronomy, the Maya created a calendar system that plotted the history of time starting with the beginning of the current world on August 11, 3114 BC. Using a lunar calendar system, the Maya measured time in units of twenty. Twenty kin (days) made a winal (month); 18 winals made a tun (year); 20 tuns made a katun (20 years); and 20 katuns made a baktun (400 years).

"To designate a specific date, they recorded it in terms of how far away from the start of creation it was . . . The significance of the Mayan calendar is that it appears to predict 13 baktuns as the end time of the present world age. After dating every year from the beginning of time, the calendar abruptly ends at the close of the thirteenth baktun.

"Translating the Mayan calendar date into the Gregorian calendar system used today produces a date of December 21, 2012, as the end-date for the present age" (Hundley, pp. 7-8). This date coincides with the time of the winter solstice.

"The Mayan obsession with time can be seen in the fact that they developed 20 different calendars . . . the Maya relied upon three main time-tracking calendars—three calendars that are most relevant to the 2012 date . . . The third Mayan measure of time is known as the Long Count calendar. It was used to document the 'world age cycles' that repeat over and over.

"This calendar was divided into five units that extend forward and backward from the mythical creation of the Maya, which they believed was August 11, 3114 B.C. . . . The year 2012 is the year that the fifth great cycle is supposed to end. This is the genesis of the belief that the end of days is 2012" (Hitchcock, p. 32-33).

Beliefs not of godly origin

Where did the Mayan people receive the religious and cosmological conceptions related to their calendar? They certainly didn't come from the God of the Bible. In fact, the Mayans practiced abominable religious rites that are strongly condemned in the Bible, such as human sacrifice.

"The Maya practiced human sacrifice as part of their religion, often using children for the ritual in which the Mayan priest cut open the still-alive child's chest and pulled out the heart as a sacrifice to the gods. In fact, to celebrate the beginning of a new year, the Maya 'ripped out the heart of a sacrificial victim . . . and started a flame with a fire drill in his open chest cavity'" (Hundley, p. 5).

As Mark Hitchcock notes, "Much of the barbaric, bloodthirsty 'worship' of the Mayans, including human sacrifices, can be accounted for if we recognize that it was demonically motivated by the real power behind their gods of stone" (p. 41).

The gods of pagan worship are not real, but the devil and his demons are behind much of false religion—sometimes posing as these false gods. The apostle Paul wrote that "the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons" (1 Corinthians 10:20; compare Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalm 106:35-38).

What do modern Mayans believe?

While many Westerners seize on Dec. 21, 2012, as a date of unparalleled disaster, modern Mayans generally do not see it that way. Don Alejandro, one present-day Mayan leader, has given his opinion on what the time will mean. He presents in poetic terms a time of positive change:

"According to the Maya Long Count Calendar, we are finalizing the 13 Baktun and . . . thus approaching the Year Zero . . . The world is transformed and we enter a period of understanding and harmonious coexistence where there is social justice and equality for all.

"It is a new way of life. With a new social order there comes a time of freedom where we can move like the clouds, without limitations, without borders. We will travel like the birds, without the need for passports. We will travel like the rivers, all heading towards the same point . . . the same objective" (quoted by John Major Jenkins, The 2012 Story, 2009, p. 369).

Another leader, Benito Ramirez Mendota, offered this perspective: "As the elders said, everything is going to change. The world will be changed by that memorable date. Our children will have a different world view. The time will have passed and other beings will inhabit the universe" (p. 371).

World peace and harmony will not come in 2012, but it will come eventually—as we shall see. Both of these "prophecies" contain some elements of truth. But it's worth noting that these Mayans do not share the catastrophic views many people have of next year.

Why accept Mayan prophecy anyway?

Hundley points out regarding the Mayan legend: "It does seem that if December 21, 2012 was an earth shattering prediction for the Maya of the end of the world, it would have been preserved as an important part of the cultural and religious heritage of that civilization, even today. But apparently, such is not the case. Many modern Maya do not affirm that interpretation of their calendar and belief system but complain that Westerners have forced this interpretation on them from their own perspectives and for their own purposes.

"Having said that, even if it could be proven that the Maya predicted the end of the world in 2012, what would qualify them as prophets? Although the Maya were gifted astronomers, that ability does not necessarily mean they were gifted prophets.

"According to the same logic, do we expect present-day astronomers, who have made incredible discoveries through the use of advanced telescopes and space-traveling satellites, to be qualified to provide us with trustworthy, detailed predictions of the future of our planet? Of course not! The idea that those who make remarkable astronomical observations are therefore qualified to be seers, predictors and prophets of future events is unfounded" (p. 17).

We see, then, that the idea that the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world in 2012 simply lacks credibility. It means nothing, and it's only because our world is in such sad shape that some pay attention to such things.

Other predictions of doom

Pretentious prognosticators prattle about other fearful tales of destruction they say will occur in 2012. They have assembled a catch-all container chock-full of imagined tragedies lurking around the corner!

"Worldwide droughts, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions caused by solar storms, cracks forming in the earth's magnetic field, and mass extinctions brought on by nuclear winter, famine, human disease, wars, economic cataclysm, massive solar flares, polar reversals . . . These have all been predicted to occur in the year 2012" (John Claeys, Apocalypse 2012, 2010, p. 1).

Yes, some of these things are occurring now in various parts of the earth. And the Bible prophesies that some catastrophes will become global in scope before the very end of the age! But the year 2012 is not the time for the worst of the horrors to come.

And yes, some of these threats are very real. One scenario that seems likely to happen eventually is the eruption of a supervolcano. The Geological Society of London has stated that the eruption of a supervolcano "sooner or later" will chill the planet and threaten human civilization.

The gigantic caldera underlying Yellowstone National Park is a distinct possibility. "The magnitude 5 eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 blew out the side of the mountain, destroyed forests for miles around, caused $3 billion worth of damage, and killed fifty-seven people. The U.S. Geological Survey described it as the 'worst volcanic disaster in the recorded history of the United States.' A super eruption at Yellowstone would be a thousand times more powerful" (Greg Breining, Super Volcano, 2007, p. 229).

"But Yellowstone is not the only magma caldera, even in the United States. There is at least one more at Long Valley in California, near Yosemite National Park and the popular ski resort of Mammoth Lakes. Other possible sites are Japan, New Zealand, the Andes, and Indonesia. Yellowstone is the most frequently studied of these caldera . . . It has been noted that the area is continually undergoing seismic activity, and it certainly will erupt again at some point" (Sharan Newman, The Real History of the End of the World, 2010, p. 288).

The scope of such a disaster defies the imagination. Will this happen in 2012? We don't know. But there's nothing that points to 2012 as the time for it to happen. It could just as well happen this year or in 2013—or years after that. Or it may never happen, at least on the anticipated scale, if Christ takes care of the problem when He returns.

Yet Scripture does indicate there will be volcanic eruptions accompanying the return of Christ: "The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth" (Psalm 97:5). "Bow down your heavens, O Lord, and come down; touch the mountains, and they shall smoke" (Psalm 144:5).

What about "Planet X"?

The most cataclysmic of prophesied end-time "natural" disasters is the scenario of a collision or near-miss of another planet with the earth. The mysterious orb that supposedly threatens us has been called "Planet X" or "Planet Nibiru," and some expect it to arrive on Dec. 12, 2012.

But what is the evidence that this will occur? There is no scientific evidence that supports this idea. The idea came "not by radio signals from the cosmos, but [instead has supposedly been] channeled through medium and Zeto envoy Nancy Lieder, who was in contact with . . . altruistic aliens" (Govert Schilling, The Hunt for Planet X, 2009, p. 115).

Who are the Zeto and Nancy Lieder? Here is the story: "Nancy was only nine years old when it happened. What looked like a bright light came from the sky and crashed into the field next to her home. Her parents were out shopping, so Nancy was left alone to investigate the strange event. As she crept near the site of the crash, she was terrified to see what appeared to be a spaceship hovering above the ground. When a door in the ship opened, Nancy fainted.

"When she came to, she was inside the ship, and there were strange beings hovering around her. As she tried to speak, one of the Zetas told her to lie still. A large mechanical arm with a small device at the end of it began to move closer and closer to her head. As the device touched her scalp, she lapsed into unconsciousness again.

"When she awoke, she was inside her home. One of the extraterrestrials was placing her gently into her bed. And then he spoke: 'Nancy, do not be afraid. You have been chosen from all the people on your planet to be our voice on Earth. We are very concerned about what is happening on your planet. The device we placed in your head will enable us to communicate messages to you for all earthlings'" (Hundley, p. 63). This is either a made-up story or an encounter with demons.

Govert Schilling is an internationally acclaimed astronomical writer. He and prominent scientists have debunked the Planet X/Nibiru scheme. Schilling presented this compelling comment about Planet X: "So that means there is plenty to do for the debunkers—the archaeologists and astronomers who take a long and skeptical look at the tidal wave of Nibiru nonsense and explain with scientific precision what is wrong with the cosmic fairy-tale. They will have their work cut out in the next few years.

"And on December 22, 2012 there will be a new pseudoscientific cock-and-bull story doing the rounds and the whole circus will start all over again. Because no matter how many new celestial bodies are found in our solar system, there will always be a need for a mysterious Planet X" (Schilling, p. 117).

What should we expect?

Yes, Dec. 21, 2012, will come and go, Dec. 22 will arrive, and the earth will go on. And so will new theories regarding new exact dates for the end of the world. The cry has been shouted by strident voices for millennia, and you can be sure it will continue.

Sadly, many will take this non-event and other failed predictions as an excuse to dismiss what the Bible foretells is yet ahead. We will no doubt see an even greater increase in scoffers concerning Christ's return, as Peter mentioned. But rest assured: The Bible's actual prophecies are not false predictions like the 2012 hype. What God has revealed in His Word certainly will come to pass. We just don't know exactly when. So what should we do?

Jesus Christ is quite plain: "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (verse 44).

His point? We need to be ready at all times for the end of the age. Jesus will return—six times in the book of Revelation He states that He is "coming quickly."

The life of any of us could end today or tomorrow. "For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away" (James 4:14). At whatever time we die, Jesus' return will occur for us in our next second of consciousness. If we have lived a life of serving God, we will then be given eternal life and rewarded according to our works (Matthew 16:27).

This is the good news of the Bible! It is priceless truth that can add immeasurable meaning to your life.

For too many, life is vacant and lacking in transcendent purpose. Barton Payne in the Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy sums it up well when he writes: "We live in an uncertain world. Men of today are casting about eagerly, and almost pathetically, in search of meaningfulness. For while we have amassed knowledge, we seem to have missed truth. Indeed, apart from God and from His revealed words that constitute the Bible, mankind and life and time do seem to be essentially purposeless.

"Yet the Lord of grace, who once sent His Son Jesus Christ to redeem the world (John 3:16), will some day send Him again to lead this world into its intended goal of glorifying God (Romans 11:36). This is the hope which pervades the whole of Scripture" (1973, p. v).

Jesus Christ's second coming is the most certain prophecy in the Bible that is yet to be fulfilled. More than 500 verses in the Bible comment specifically on various facts and aspects of this monumental, earthshaking event.

While we do not know exactly when Jesus will return, signs around us indicate we are in the end time. Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 7:31 looms larger each day: "For this world as we know it will soon pass away" (New Living Translation). As we look around us, many of the foundational pillars that provide order to society are in jeopardy. "And the world is passing away and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever" (1 John 2:17).

People have longed for a better world and a better life since the beginning of human history. And it is coming! The time rapidly approaches when God will shake all nations and "the Desire of All Nations" will come (Haggai 2:7).

You must seek the knowledge of God and not allow it to slip from your grasp! You can know what the future holds. More than one quarter of the Bible is prophecy, and most of it is yet to be fulfilled.

The Bible tells us that the millennial reign of Jesus Christ is coming (Revelation 20:4)—not in the year 2012, but perhaps not much beyond that! All who repent and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and then live a life of obedience to God's commandments will reign with Him during that time in a world of peace. The invitation is extended to you. Now is the time to act!


  • Annabell

    Well it's January 2, 2013 and everyone is still here. Happy New Year's. :)

    Just one thing, I am very glad to know that my fellow Christians understand that the day and hour of Christ's coming is unknown. Praise God. Because people keep falsifying dates, they keep being wrong, and unfortunately, many Christians are losing their faith because of this. So please remember Matthew 24:39,42,44 and Luke 21:36. I pray that many people will understand this and will stay away from false dates. Amen.

  • Nduka

    i just want to say that this article is an eye opener, though the end of the age is not predictable by man. Christ has given us the pointers of the end of the age and when we see this things happen we can say that the end is at hand.

  • ytheml01

    carman: what a wonderful post....God will always walk with you no matter where your search takes you. Your heart is pure...

  • ytheml01

    I have heard some people talking about having an End of The World Party on Dec 21, 2012 with costumes...

  • beyondthesky

    If we read the BIBLE, we will know what is true and not true. In addition, we will know how to be prepared (I had to correct the previous comment)

  • beyondthesky

    If we read the BIBLE, we will know what is true and not true. In addition, we will know how to be prepared (I had to correct the previous comment)

  • beyondthesky

    If we read the BIBLE, we will know right is true and what is not true.

  • richard nellis

    For Carman.

    Hi Carman

    Please forgive me for not answering you when I first read your post. I hesitated because I saw that there were several issue.

    First - do not try to solve you problems, just turn them over to God in prayer, knowing that He can solve them. Ask Him to give you the knowledge you need to know what you must do. Ask Him for forgiveness of those things that are weighing on your mind, and to take that burden from you. God wipes the slate clean, the day you come to Him is the first day of the rest of your life. I still remember there are thing that I wanted to forget, but I don't remember what they are, because has taken them. If I do remember what they are, I thank Him for taking it away.

    Second – you were created to be a child of God. When we say the Lord's prayer, we start with “Our Father”, that is because we are to be His children in the resurrection and Jesus is to be our brother. Know that He loves you and ask Him to lead and guide you through His Holy Spirit. I had my life all planned in High School. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but that was not what God had in mind for me so I resisted Him. After I turned my life over to Him, I refused to make a choice with out asking Him what to do, I found that He had a better plan. I still make the mistake of trying to run my life once in a while, but He has a way of closing the door and opening another. So take the open door and give thanks to Him.

    Third – always ask Him what He has in store for you and let Him know that you want to live His way. At first is better to pray continuously for His guidance and help, then when you look back you will see where He has helped you on a daily basis. You will come to recognise His hand in you life. Some times by His still small voice and some time by closing of the door, but He will be there always, unless you turn Him away.

  • jesmosey

    The author’s analysis in conclusion is that no one can actually say when the world is going to end. This seems perfectly reasonable, as Jesus Christ personally asserted that only God knows the day and hour (Mt. 24:36; Mk. 12:32). In Mark, Christ directly states that not even He knows exactly when that time is – GOD knows when He’s had enough of this mess; to sit around and try and analyze scriptures to constrain a time frame or identify some specific date for that seems problematic to me on several levels. First, since no one's going to figure it out, it's a waste of time, and second, to be perfectly honest, it seems rather presumptuous for a person to assume that they are able to figure out what even Christ doesn’t know. Third, God's in charge; who are we to say that He has to do something by some specific date? I mean, we're talking about the Being who made time as we perceive it. And even if by some fortuitous event we guessed close today, sometimes He changes His mind (e.g. II Kings 20). If He wants to start the end of everything tomorrow, that's His prerogative, and if He decides for some reason to hold off for however long, who are we to argue?

    The bottom line is, yeah, this world is going to end and be replaced with a new world (Rev. 21:1; I Cor. 7:31, etc.), governed by Christ (Rv. 19:11-16), whose inhabitants will learn to live the way God designed them to (Rev. 20:3-4; Jer 31:38-41). So what’s our response to this supposed to be? To sit around and try to figure out when that’s going to happen? Sure, we’re supposed to be watching and paying attention to what’s happening in the world around us, but Peter asked this same question in II Peter 11, where he’s basically saying, yeah, this world is going to end (v. 10), so what are we supposed to do (v. 11)? The answer isn’t that we’re supposed to be calculating dates, it’s that we’re supposed to be focused on changing and growing in “holiness and godliness” (II Pet. 3: 7-13).

    To me, any back and forths about whether or not we can know when Christ is going to return seem totally superfluous to the bigger point where I think Carman is right on the money. Here we are in this morally depraved, dysfunctional, depreciating, convoluted world that has taken generations to fester and degenerate to the point at which we find ourselves. And God wants us to sort through this mess and figure out how to not live that way but rather the way He designed us to (II Cor 6:17; Rev. 18:4).

    We can’t afford to invest our time in trying to constrain dates on when the world is going to end. Life is too short, and there’s too much to do (Eph. 5:15-16). If you stay close to God, you can trust that whatever happens He’ll take care of you.

  • Carman

    I do not know, and I do not claim to know, I have realized in my older but wiser years that we all need to be ready. I still have many bad habits that are not Gods way. And I am not sure that I will be able to change these habits. I just hope that God will accept me for what is good in my heart. I do feel as if I am changing and trying to put into practice what God has presented to us. I finally realized that we are here for Gods purpose, not ours. There is a reason that only he know why we were created and why we will taken in his name and his purposes. I do not know Gods reasons completly but I know that he is comming and there is nothing that can stop what scripture tells. I am sort of lost at this moment. Looking for what is the true religion, the truth of truths. And I always worry that I may take a wrong direction hoping that this is the right one. I was raised in a disfuntional family and as I get older I realize problems surfacing from my younger life. I would like to get rid of the past but I am not capable at this time. I wonder if I ever will. I want peace and happiness but my past haunts me. I see it in my actions in my life and I know they are wrong but it seems to be hardwired within me. So I search!

  • shakeman65

    The Bible says in Galatians 1;4 When Jesus returns,it will be the end of "this present evil age" The end of the world in which human beings rule. These times and dates started with the MAYANS People, who were suppose to be centered in Central America. They was suppose to be obsess with time, They developed numerous Calenders. It was a mythical creation. The Earth will exists because according to Revelations 21:2,10,24 GOD the Father will bring the Heavenly Jerusalem down to the Earth when it is transform into a new earth. In Isaiah 11:1-10 when JESUS CHRIST reign on Earth it will be greater than ever. Also in Isaiah 35:1-2 and Amos 9:13-15 God says the Earth will survive and flourish after transformation. In Micah 4:1-4 God says that Humans will survive and flourish also. In Ezekiel 36:35-36 GOD says the Earth will become like a literal Garden of Eden. God Guarantees every Human can have a part in this new earth and receive the Holy Spirit if we Honor him and obey his WILL.

  • shakeman65

    What you have just posted Richard Nellis, According to the word, have confirmed what I posted, No one past, present, or future know when that day will be.

  • richard nellis

    I am not God that I can answer this question, nor do I know Gods mind, but I can read the Bible and see what it says. And that is to repent of our sins ask God for forgiveness and guidance in following His directives. God does not appear to be trying to save everybody at this time, if He is He is failing. There is enough information given in the Bible to get us interested in living God's way, but it is not organized so that we can learn by reading it and following a step by step procedure. He didn't write a do it yourself book. It is more of a historical mystery. I read the ending and we win if we keep trying. We must be dedicated enough to strive for the knowledge that is hidden in it's pages. It is and must be a life long quest before all else. If you want to be a one day a week Christian you have little chance of becoming a King or Priest in the Kingdom of God. If you live for God 24/7 your chances are pretty good. Specially if you keep talking to Him. The Bible indicates that He will take those who will be Kings and Priest in His kingdom in the first resurrection. The ones that don't meet the cut off will be taken in the second ressurrection and judged. Then they will have a chance to learn the ways of God and possibily win eternal life. Don't give up, keep trying, even if we are in the second ressurrection, We will then have God's teachers to guide us and the presense and knowledge of God for reenforcment.

    Run the good race, keep striving for the finish line. Stay of the straight and narrfow path to God. God knows our hearts and He is willing to help us. Some take longer than others, but it does not require that we be first, only that we keep going for the finish line.

  • richard nellis

    I am not God that I can answer that question, nor do I know Gods mind, but I can read the Bible and see what it says.

    In Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30 and Luke 21:32 it is written “Mt 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” We commonly use the word pass to refer to the death of someone, and it is written in Ge 6:3 ”And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” Giving mankind a life span of 120 years. So some one who see those things which the Messiah is speaking of shall be alive when the end comes. In verse 32 of Matthew He said “Mt 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer [is] nigh:” The fig tree is a symbol of the Hebrew nation. The nation of Israel was formed in one day in 1947. 1947 + 120 = 2067 The year 2067 is the last year that the Messiah can come, but He can come before that.

    We also know that “Mt 24:37 But as the days of Noe [were], so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Did Noah know when the flood would start? Yes, he did. Noah's grandfather was Methuselah and his father was Lamech. Ge 5:26 And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, …. And “Ge 5:28 And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son:(Noah)” If we subtract the age if Lamech when Noah was born (182) from Methuselah's life time after Lamech was born (782) we come to the time of the flood. 782-182=600. Ge 7:6 And Noah [was] six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth. Yes, he did. Noah’s grandfather lived to the age of 969 years. His’ name was “Methuselah” which is given the meaning by Smith’s revised Bible Dictionary of “he dies, and it [i.e. the Flood] is sent”. Methuselah’s name was a general or distant warning that the flood was coming, but you could not know the day or hour from it. The final warning was given by further word from God in Genesis 7:4. God said: “For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.” The flood came at the time appointed and announced, those eight people who listened to the word of God knew when it was coming. Those who did not watch, did not know when it was coming.

    Is there a second prophecy that might tell us a more precise time for the second coming? The answer to that is a definite – possibly. Daniel 8:19 “And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end [shall be].” “Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, [that] from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince [shall be] seven weeks, ….” This phrase does not fit the first coming of the Messiah. It could refer to the second coming. There was not a proclamation or an order to restore the city to the nation of Israel that we could have heard. The city was restored in time of war. It was not captured, but vacated so that the Israel military could take it over. It was almost as if a higher power had issued an order to the occupying forces not to resist. How ever we do not know, but if it was then we should look for the second coming before the year 2016. The year 2016 is seven weeks from the restoration of the city.

    But do we know the day of His coming? Then we have that verse that says “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only”. But what does that mean? If you ask any Rabbi he could tell you that Rosh HaShanah is a hidden day. Because Rosh HaShanah was understood to be the hidden day, this statement by Jesus is actually an idiom for Rosh HaShanah. Thus it should be given as proof that He was speaking of Rosh HaShanah because Rosh HaShanah is the only day in the whole year that was referred to as the hidden day or the day that no man knew. (See the last section of chapter 7 of The Seven Festivals Of The Messiah by Eddie Chumney. It can be read online if you don't want to spend up to $100. to buy the book.)

    Only time will tell. Prophecy is not usually given so that we will know exactly what will happen or when it will happen. It is given so that we will prepare and get ready, even if we are ready years in advance. It is time to get ready for the comming of our saviour, now.

  • Raymond Winger

    Only God know's the time and day he will end this current world king (Saitan). and start The new rule of God are king . The kingdom come thy will be done ..... The Kingdom of God is the restart of this world for the good of man kind. I can't wait.

  • shakeman65

    No one in the past, No one in the present, and no one in the future knows when the World will end.

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