World News and Trends: Distrust of United States increases around globe

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Distrust of United States increases around globe

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Also, prospects for peace in the Middle East appear dim, with 80 percent of those in the Palestinian Authority–
controlled areas saying that peaceful coexistence with Israel isn't possible.

In seven of eight Muslim countries surveyed, a majority of those polled responded that they feared a military invasion from the United States. In Turkey and Indonesia, only 15 percent held a favorable opinion of the United States, and in Jordan and the Palestinian Authority areas the number was a minuscule 1 percent.

In Jordan, Indonesia and Palestinian Authority– controlled areas, all overwhelmingly Muslim, majorities expressed their confidence that Osama bin Laden would "do the right thing in world affairs." Not quite half of those in Pakistan, Morocco and Kuwait—supposedly American allies—agreed.

In Europe, large majorities in Germany, France and Spain believe Europe should pursue greater independence from the United States, and almost half the Britons polled agreed.
The survey also showed sharp drops in approval of the United Nations. A year ago overwhelming majorities in the United States, Germany, France and Britain thought the UN was "a good influence"; now those holding that opinion are clear minorities. (Sources: Los Angeles Times, USA Today.)

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