World News and Trends: Gay movement continues to make inroads

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Gay movement continues to make inroads

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One newspaper reported that "homosexual campaigners for more rights were given a double boost . . . when the Church of England edged towards accepting the ordination of gay priests and the government made clear that the age of [homosexual] consent would be lowered to 16."

At the same time some government officials were advocating that the legal smoking age be raised to 18.

Fortunately, among all the politically correct voices commenting on the homosexual scene there are a few dissenting voices. One such is Daniel Farson, author and a homosexual himself, who wrote: "This Government, headed by a church-going Christian, is engaging in political correctness of the worst sort. It is driven by the aggressive gay lobby. And it will do untold damage to the vulnerable young."

British columnist and author Leo McKinstry made the following sensible observations about the gay-rights agenda: "This agenda, including calls for gay marriages, gay sex education in schools and a lower age of consent, is based on the concept that every form of sexual behaviour is valid and should be respected, no matter how promiscuous or bizarre. This outlook is the dominant creed of our age. But it has damaging consequences for our society.

"Take marriage and the family. In the brave new world of gay rights, no moral distinction is made between the sacrifices involved in bringing up children within a stable relationship and irresponsible hedonism. Both are presented as just different lifestyle choices. Such a disastrous message is now given out to schoolchildren." (Sources: The Sunday Times, The Times of London, Daily Mail; emphasis added.)

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