World News and Trends: Terrorists strike in Moscow airport

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Terrorists strike in Moscow airport

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This was the second time in seven years that Domodedovo was targeted by suicide bombers. In 2004, two female bombers blew themselves up and killed 90 bystanders.

Although so far no one has claimed responsibility for the latest attack, in which a bomb filled with screws and ball bearings killed at least 35 people and wounded at least 180, the perpetrator was believed to be a Muslim suicide bomber (Nataliya Vasilyeva, Associated Press, Jan. 24, 2011).

Why would Islamic terrorists focus their attention on Russians, who have allegedly been supportive of Islamic attacks against the West? Several years back it was pointed out: "In Russia, Chechen Muslims have been conducting an insurgency against the Russian government for over ten years. They have mounted extensive terrorist suicide attacks in Moscow" (Thomas Hayden, "Suicide Bombers Are Not New,", July 29, 2005).

Dan Eggen and Scott Wilson gave a credible answer to this insane problem in a Washington Post article titled "Suicide Bombing: It's Getting Worse," which identified the ‘cult of glorification' which they described as a mix of nationalist, personal and religious fervor, and a fervent hatred against Israel, where boys see the glory being given to the suicide bombers and want to emulate that action" (quoted by Hayden).

The insanity will get worse as the god of this world comes nearer to his prophesied removal from the scene (Revelation 12:12). (Sources: Associated Press,