World News and Trends: Tourism trumps terror

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Tourism trumps terror

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"Just hours after three massive bombs ripped through the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on July 23, Jonathan Gatland, a British doctor on vacation with his three children stood defiant. He would not go home and he would return again. 'Fear is not going to stop me,' he said simply" (The Christian Science Monitor, Aug. 2).

As terrorism has accelerated in recent years, many thought the tourist trade would die. Instead, travelers have grown accustomed to a new era of random bombings. Why do we see this new attitude toward such attacks? "'Human beings are incredibly resilient creatures; we're very adaptable and we build tolerances,' says Dr. C. Scott Saunders, director of the UCLA Trauma Psychiatry Service" (ibid.).

Since 9/11 this earth has become an increasingly more dangerous environment (2 Timothy 3:1). Still, cowardly terrorists win when people cower in their homes.

Terrorism ultimately comes from "the god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4), Satan the devil. Jesus Christ said that he was a liar and murderer from the beginning of the world (John 8:44). We might add "terrorist" to those descriptors, as the evil that drives terrorists to slaughter innocent men, women and children is motivated by his murderous thinking.

However, it won't always be this way. God has sentenced him to incarceration for 1,000 years at Christ's return (Revelation 20:1-3). Then, divine truth will trump the chief of terrorism. If you'd like to learn more, request or download our free booklets Is There Really a Devil? and The Gospel of the Kingdom. (Source: The Christian Science Monitor.)